Friday, 20 April 2012


We were told about Delicious, an online social networking site where you can bookmark your favourite websites and share it with others. I'm still not a member though but I do think this is helpful for I can keep the websites with useful information especially for my studies or just for my hobbies. 

Friday, 16 March 2012

Linux: Ubuntu Installation in VMware Workstation

Today, it was my first time installing a Linux operating system. Linux (Wikipedia) is a free and open source operating system. There are lots of versions you can choose from and Ubuntu is the popular version. If you are looking for an ISO image file, you can download it here. I tested it already and it works fine.

I have already tackled about installing an operating system in VMware Workstation using Windows 7 and you can see it here. You just have to choose Linux in Guest Operating System section and choose Ubuntu as the Version.

If you successfully uploaded the ISO image file, you should get this:

Again, a series of steps will be shown and all you have to do is to choose the option correctly until you finished the installation and were able to install the operating system.

The image below is the Graphical User Interface of Ubuntu.

For a first time user, I immediately browse what it can do. We were also asked what will happened if we download a file from the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The VLE is primarily what Anglia Ruskin University students and stuffs use to communicate each other such as downloading learning materials that the lecturers uploaded.

The downside about this operating system is that some files can not be opened like the .docx which is the Microsoft Word Office. The image below shows the error message I got when I opened the file.

Wikipedia. Linux. [online] Available at: < > [Accessed 16 March 2012]